For the months of February and March, we would like you to join us in partnering with Feed My Sheep. We are creating a special Feed My Sheep coffee blend and the proceeds will go to help Feed My Sheep provide a warm place to sleep for the homeless of Glenwood Springs, Colorado during the winter. We are so honored to be a part of God's work among the homeless in a small and meaningful way. We all spend money on coffee every month, lets be intentional for February and March about where our coffee money is being spent.
![]() 24/7 prayer has been spreading across the world since September 1999. A group of high school students in Europe started a night and day prayer experiment and had no idea this it would grow into a movement in over 125 nations. Through the years there have been over a million people engaged in 24/7 prayer, 13,000+ prayer rooms launched, and thousands of missionaries sent out. You can learn more about this movement at RiverChurches has helped start prayer rooms in both the US and Africa. These rooms have become a hub for missions. Here are some of the things the Lord has taught us with these prayer rooms. -Western Culture is so fast paced that we do not take time to stop the noise and busyness to hear the voice of God. The prayer room creates much needed space for this to happen. -The building where the prayer room is located comes to life with ministry flowing through it. Great way to revive a dead church is to put a prayer room in the building. -The Prayer Room teaches us how to pray through providing several interactive stations in the room to help utilize all of our senses as we pursue relationship with the Lord. -Missions is birthed out of 24/7 prayer. One of our favorite examples of this is the Moravians who had a continues 24/7 prayer meeting that lasted for over 100 years and sent out over 300 missionaries from it. -We learn what the rest our community is crying out for and hearing from the Lord as many prayers are posted on the walls of the room. We learn to yearn for the things of God together! Here is another great book to read on the history of 24/7 prayer and how to launch a room in your community... “Red Moon Rising” by Pete Greig - One of our house churches is challenging us to fill the prayer room at The River Center on a regular basis. We met our first goal of filling it for three days and would like to meet our second goal to get 15-20 hours of prayer filled each week for a month. Your welcome to sign up for a slot as an individual or group. Sign-Up for a regular prayer Slot @ The River Center 24/7 Prayer Room - Moravian Reading: Psalm 40:1-8; Exodus 32:30-33:23; Matthew 26:47-58Jesus has more power and authority then any other human that has lived on earth. We see this when Judas comes with soldiers to have Jesus arrested. One of Jesus disciples takes out a sword and chops off the ear of one of the soldiers. Jesus rebukes his disciple for using a sword, heals the ear, and says, "Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? (Matt. 26:53)
Have you ever thought about how many is twelve legions of angels that could have come if Jesus requested them to help? A Roman Army was comprised of legions which typically consisted of 6,000 soldiers. That means Jesus could have summoned over 72,000 angels with this request. Now that is some serious power considering we can see other places in scripture where one angel could take out thousands of people at once. This is important to remember as we approach Passover and celebrating Christ Resurrection. Christ chose weakness in order to die for the sins of the world. He chose to demonstrate His power through weakness! Think about that last sentence for a minute. How do you chose to demonstrate Christ power through weakness in your life? It all starts with how we view weakness. If weakness and power is viewed through the lens Christ used which was to do the will of the Father then we are on the right track. Christ found his Father's perspective in going to the cross by spending time in prayer with him in the Garden. Challenge you to look at Christ example of doing only the will of the Father when it comes to how we handle power and weakness in our lives. All are welcome to join us for a Resurrection Celebration on Sunday morning at 10:00 am for brunch and worship at The River Center in New Castle. |
AuthorRiverChurches is a Network of Passionate Christ Followers in Western Colorado Who Band Together to Love God and Love Others! Archives
February 2020
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